Сreating a trust reference list
Avrut Addadit telegram bot
The manifestation of the trust reference list is based on the well-known principle of "mutual guarantee" (Arvut Adadit, Heb.), Which has been effectively used for centuries in ethnic communities.
"Arvut" is formed from the verb "learev" - "to mix", "to knead", "to intervene". "Adadit" - "bilateral, mutual (responsibility)". It turns out that "arvut adadit" is a mutual "interference" with each other.
To create a list, it is necessary to formalize the already existing relationship of willingness to help with those whom the user knows personally - "friends and family". They, in turn, do the same and the list expands automatically.
This is done by direct mailing of a unique personal invitation:
"I intend to help you, if necessary, with a notional amount of 100 euros and look forward to reciprocity."
When you click on the link, the participants are included in the trust list as a personally confirmed agreement, at the same time the list is automatically supplemented according to the principle "each friend of my friend is my friend".
Thus, the reference and the "general pool of intentions" of the network participants are formed.
For example, if there are 1000 participants in the list, then the size of the "pool" will be 100,000 euros. It is, in fact, a potentially declared resource of the trust list for solving common urgent problems, from mutual assistance to initiatives and direct cooperation.
The main task of the user is to form as large a list of participants as possible, connected by relations of "mutual guarantee".
Such a list naturally grows exponentially, increasing the general pool of intentions, and therefore the capabilities of everyone.
All communications and interactions of the list members take place outside the bot.
The bot is not a payment or settlement instrument.
The bot code and its description do not have ownership and are in the public domain for free copying,
The creation of a list is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the emergence of a decentralized network.
The modern counterpart to this social phenomenon is China's Mutual Aid Platforms, a cheap alternative to health insurance. These platforms bring together millions of people and are currently being massively closed by the Chinese authorities, worried about this massive form of self-organization.