social innovation

2015-2021 free to copy
Social innovation describes a method and tools for self-organization in a decentralized social network. Self-organization is based on the principle of "mutual guarantee" (Arvut Addadit) implemented in the p2p model.

Decentralized social network solves the problems of social insurance, direct cooperation and crowdfunding.
Current situation
The unprecedented nature and speed of the destructive processes occurring in the world force us to return to consideration of the fundamental foundations of social order and to look for a constructive scenario beyond the limits of conditionality imposed by historical experience.

In this case, the alternative scenario is located not in a terrible past, but in the desired present, which determines the future.

The contours of this future are obvious to many rational people - it is the emergence of a global decentralized cooperation network, a peer-to-peer economy.

However, until now, the numerous attempts to create conditions for the emergence
of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO) have not been successful. This is despite the fact that the Blockchain technology necessary to ensure the functioning of such communities has been created, and allows almost any problems in this context to be resolved.

But whatever opportunities technologies give us today, without understanding the applicability of their social value tends to zero.

Because technologies serve the meaning for which they were created and not vice versa ..
"The problem of trust" and attempts to solve it.
Any attempts to solve the "trust problem" are technologically doomed to failure, since there is no way to completely protect oneself from the evil will of another by any protection system.

One of the classical ways to solve a problem is to consider the conditions under which it does not arise.

The problem of trust does not arise where the damage from interaction with others is impossible.

And these are communities based on goodwill and personal empathy.
This is what is called "Friends and Family".

Video explanation
Conditions of occurrence decentralized network
It can be noted that any society consists of many disparate "empathic" communities, in which the interaction of participants falls under the definition of "decentralized".

Relations in them are based on goodwill and not coercion, where direct cooperation, co-creation and mutual aid develop as the natural behavior of equal participants not limited by formal rules.

These are essentially micro-decentralized communities, in which the opportunities for direct cooperation are limited only by the number of participants.

These are "healthy cells" of a social organism that can form into a decentralized network provided there is a common, relevant goal and a tool to coordinate the participation of many people in the pursuit of its achievement.

Friends and family communities are based on an obvious, non-formalized, readiness to help each other.
A simple formalization of such relations using a special program allows you to form a trust reference list not limited to the number of participants.
Such a list is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the emergence of a decentralized network.
Сreating a trust reference list
Avrut Addadit telegram bot

The manifestation of the trust reference list is based on the well-known principle of "mutual guarantee" (Arvut Adadit, Heb.), Which has been effectively used for centuries in ethnic communities.

"Arvut" is formed from the verb "learev" - "to mix", "to knead", "to intervene". "Adadit" - "bilateral, mutual (responsibility)". It turns out that "arvut adadit" is a mutual "interference" with each other.

To create a list, it is necessary to formalize the already existing relationship of willingness to help with those whom the user knows personally - "friends and family". They, in turn, do the same and the list expands automatically.
This is done by direct mailing of a unique personal invitation:
"I intend to help you, if necessary, with a notional amount of 100 euros and look forward to reciprocity."

When you click on the link, the participants are included in the trust list as a personally confirmed agreement, at the same time the list is automatically supplemented according to the principle "each friend of my friend is my friend".
Thus, the reference and the "general pool of intentions" of the network participants are formed.

For example, if there are 1000 participants in the list, then the size of the "pool" will be 100,000 euros. It is, in fact, a potentially declared resource of the trust list for solving common urgent problems, from mutual assistance to initiatives and direct cooperation.
The main task of the user is to form as large a list of participants as possible, connected by relations of "mutual guarantee".

Such a list naturally grows exponentially, increasing the general pool of intentions, and therefore the capabilities of everyone.

All communications and interactions of the list members take place outside the bot.
The bot is not a payment or settlement instrument.
The bot code and its description do not have ownership and are in the public domain for free copying,

The creation of a list is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the emergence of a decentralized network.

The modern counterpart to this social phenomenon is China's Mutual Aid Platforms, a cheap alternative to health insurance. These platforms bring together millions of people and are currently being massively closed by the Chinese authorities, worried about this massive form of self-organization.

Decentralized social network
When an event occurs in the trust list that is relevant to the participants and they begin to interact, a network appears.

This is a self-regulating process in which inactive members of the list are "weeded out".
The organization of interaction between participants in the event of "emergency assistance" and "regular support" is implemented in the @exodus_commitbot

The bot uses two types of records "intent" and "commitment".
These two types of records are sufficient to organize an emergency response, regular support to those in need, and "voting by intent" (essentially decentralized crowdfunding).

To fix the "intention" is to declare a willingness to participate.
The intention can be edited or withdrawn at any time.
To fix the "commitment" is to confirm the intention. The obligation cannot be withdrawn and must be performed. The fulfillment of the obligation is made in any legal way by agreement of the parties. Confirmation is a mark on the fulfillment of the obligation by those in whose favor it was recorded.

More details about the bot's functions:

Social engineering

Any initiative of a member of the trust list that has a selling price is proposed to the list for voting by "intent", which simultaneously determines the relevance and provides resources for the implementation of the initiative.

After the participants have confirmed the relevance by voting (having typed the required number of intentions), the voted participants interact by organizing the implementation process with any existing tools.

Video: about the organization of social engineering

Social Organizer (under development)
Analysis of the interaction process in such communities has allowed the requirements for the network self-organization tool to be determined and a prototype for further development and distribution to be created.

The "Social Organizer" is an open source system of technical accounting and management of mutual financial obligations records.

It combines crowdvoting, crowdfunding and crowdsourcing and unifies any social engineering process. At the same time, it is not a payment system, since it only maintains records; financial settlements are performed outside of Exodus using traditional payment instruments, in accordance, so to speak, with current legislation (Visa, Mastercard, Bitcoin - as convenient for users).

Using the "Exodus Organizer" allows a qualitative increase in the synergy of already existing social projects related to charity and co-financing of common relevant meanings - for example, support for a volunteer movement or organization of targeted assistance for those in need, etc.

In addition, it becomes possible to implement tasks that cannot be solved by existing crowdfunding tools, when government agencies stop attempts to consolidate resources to solve urgent problems.
A new "virtual" civilization based on decentralized global social security and a peer-to-peer economy will in essence "dissolve" the current hierarchical model of coercion, attracting new participants through more favorable conditions for interaction, complete social protection and unprecedented opportunities for self-realization.

In this manner, the "singularity", about which numerous futurists write so poignantly and emotionally, shall arise.

Organizer Principles

Organizer itself

An excerpt form speech at the forum (11 minutes)

Exodus Social Club is an open, informal virtual community of people interested in the implementation of the above scenario.

Exodus Charitable Foundation was created to support and develop decentralized communities and tools for their interaction.

If you understand the meaning of what is written then this is invitation to interaction.